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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How International Strategic Consultants Can Help You Expand Your Business Horizons

By Joanna Walsh

If you are a business owner in search of new business opportunities, the global marketplace can be a tempting target. After all, your local or even national audience is but a small fraction of the world's population, which means that even if you capture the lion's share of the domestic market, you're still missing out on many millions of other potential customers. The best international strategic consultants can assist you in expanding your business to reach that global audience.

There are really two ways to think about global expansion. The first is to plan for a completely internal process, wherein you rely on your company's existing personnel to assist in the expansion effort. Obviously, that can be challenging for the average firm, since most do not have that level of internal expertise in this area.

Alternatively, you can do what many other companies already do and simply outsource the effort to a competent consulting firm. Though it is true that these outsourced efforts do involve added costs, there is no escaping the fact that there are far-reaching benefits for exercising that option. In the majority of cases, those benefits are far greater than the financial costs associated with paying that outside firm to help you.

The fact is that professional consulting companies provide a wide range of benefits and assistance for their business clients. Their services tend to encompass every area of new market penetration that you might need. That includes everything from acquiring foreign operations or infrastructure to tax issues and potential corporate alliances.

The best of these firms are experienced in assessing potential risks to ensure that the time and effort involved in negotiating and planning an overseas deal can be profitable. Their analysis can assist you in determining your potential return on investment once all of these costs are factored in, while limiting any potential risk to ensure that your company maximizes that return.

There are also less glamorous details that need to be addressed. Things like supply chains and resource management can be critical when you extend your business reach. Consultants can help you assess local suppliers, determine whether current chains can be scaled to accommodate your new needs, and help you develop the systems you need to ensure reliability at every level of your critical supply chain.

The counsel you'll receive in dealing with local bureaucrats and red tape cannot be overstated either. Many companies have seen their expansion goals set back by years due to their inexperience in dealing with local customs, laws, and bureaucratic attitudes. Experienced consulting firms can better navigate these issues to ensure that the expansion succeeds without undue costs or delays.

Once all of these factors are weighed, it is easy to see that no business can successfully expand their operations into a foreign market without careful attention to special factors that most domestic business owners have little time to learn. That's why those who want to expand with the least amount of difficulty choose professional international consulting firms to assist them in the process.

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