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Friday, April 8, 2016

Easy Email Lifehacks To Enhance Your Efficiency

By Daniel Baker

One of the most common forms of communication that we use today is electronic mail or email. Since the birth of the internet, email has been seen as the future of messaging. Over the years, it has steadily evolved to feature a broad range of applications that go beyond the simple task of sending a plain text message. However, it can be a challenge to use this digital platform especially if you have trouble with organization. To get a better handle on your account, here are some helpful tips below.

Organize everything. When you are in the process of fine tuning the settings of your newly created email account, remember to create individual mailboxes intended for specific incoming mail. Exchange migration services can serve you well in this scenario if you cannot do this by yourself. When this is done, all of your messages will be instantly directed to the correct mailbox.

Urge to purge. Getting spam mail and other pointless junk in your mailbox can be a quite annoying. Deleting unnecessary items is something that you should do in order to pare down your inbox to the essentials. Additionally, emptying your recycle bin must always be performed once at the end of the work day just in case you need to retrieve something you accidentally deleted.

Short but sweet. Reading an email that forces you to scroll down your screen several times until you finish the message is just a waste of your time. Do not make this mistake when composing your emails to other people. Be conscientious and try to keep your responses succinct yet comprehensible.

Reuse and recycle. Sometimes using email can get repetitive, and you might end up responding to different messages in the same manner. To increase your productivity at home or at work, save templates for replies and subject lines. You can use these default options whenever you encounter a message that does not a require a carefully composed and personalized reply.

Bunch them up. In the case of mass sending a single email, there is a way to make this easy. Categorize all of the contacts on your address book into groups like one for your coworkers, your close friends, or your family. This way, you simply have to select the option of adding one group to your sender field and you are good to go.

Stop the alarms. When your computer or your smartphone pings every other hour notifying you about the arrival of a new email in your inbox, this can become a distraction. Most people feel tempted to check their mailbox when they receive alerts and as a result, their efficiency at work can be compromised. Turn off the notifications and you will be freed from temptation.

Make an archive. There may be certain items in your inbox that you prefer to keep. For this, your option is to have them archived so that you will still have them on hand without compromising the data space of your email account. Scour through your mailbox and transfer everything you need to your computer.

Managing your emails should not create this sense of dread every time you go online to check it. This handy guide should help you discover the ways where you could do this task with ease. Keep your mailbox clear and your mind will do the same.

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