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Thursday, February 22, 2018

3 Things A Long Island Advertising Agency Can Tell You About Tumblr

By Rob Sutter

If there's one thing that can be said about social media, it's that no two platforms are the same. This is especially true when looking at Tumblr, which stands out for a number of reasons. Its audience is young, consisting largely of teenagers and young adults, and its focus on creativity understandably appeals to them. Beyond what you know about Tumblr already, here are 3 intriguing tidbits that a Long Island advertising agency can provide.

For those that don't know, Tumblr was founded in 2007 by David Karp. Previously the owner of his own software consultancy firm, Karp wanted to branch out, as he had an interest in short-form blogging. This idea is what eventually gave birth to Tumblr itself. Furthermore, Karp remained the company's CEO once it was acquired by Yahoo; this occurred in 2013 and was covered by a number of outlets back then.

Another thing to know about Tumblr is that, despite being a predominantly younger platform in terms of audience, there is a relatively even split of men and women. This is worth noting, seeing as how other social platforms tend to lean one way or another. For instance, Instagram is more popular among women. On the other hand, more men seem to gravitate toward Twitter. For Long Island advertising agencies, this might be invaluable information.

The next topic to discuss is growth, which Tumblr has seen much of since 2007. Since this time, Tumblr has become the home to over 378 million separate blogs, each of which contains their own unique posts. Speaking of which, did you know that there are well over 155 billion posts that, more likely than not, you won't get through in your lifetime? As firms such as fishbat can agree on, it's safe to assume that this level of growth won't stop anytime soon.

As you can see, there is quite a bit to know about Tumblr, even outside of the functionality that it provides. This microblogging social platform has considerable history attached to it as well, so why not take the time to learn about it? It may give you a better appreciation of the site that you use on a regular basis, too. In any event, Tumblr provides tremendous value, not only for individuals but businesses as well.

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