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Monday, April 30, 2018

How To Deal With A Teenager Broken Heart

By William Fox

Falling in and out of love is part of life. Some react to heartbreaks in a mature manner whereas others become train wrecks, especially inexperienced teens. This article offers insights on how to get through to a teenager broken heart.

Getting a heartbroken teenager to open up about his feelings is often a hard task. As the experience is likely to be his first, chances are he may have a hard time adjusting and may try harming himself if you do not intervene in time. The secret to successful counseling is to let the person know that as much as the pain is unbearable, no bad situation is permanent.

One of the most important things to bear in mind is that girls and boys react differently to situations of emotional distress. Boys have an inborn urge to keep to themselves and talk very little about their emotions. On the contrary, a girl will always look for someone to talk to when in distress.

Sadly, many parents usually make the mistake of shrugging off the love experiences of their children as a passing thing. While the typical adult has had many experiences and may not be greatly affected after a breakup, the same cannot be said about a teenager. Teens have very little or no experience when it comes to love and heartbreaks, hence the prevalence of drug abuse and suicide amongst those who get dumped.

Telling a heartbroken teen that he will meet someone new may actually do more harm than good. The best way to go about it is to approach the situation with some sense of empathy. You want to give him ample time to go through the grieving, albeit while monitoring him. It would also be prudent to spend time listening to him.

You might want to avoid dwelling on the incident that as happened. At the same time, do not avoid talking about it altogether. What you should do is let your child come to you to converse. You do not want to force him to do that. For most teens, this happens naturally after a little grieving.

Parents can always strengthen the relationships with their children through trust. One trick to earning trust is conversing about similar experiences. This way, you help get the person out of feeling isolated and show that you understand what he is going through. Valuable life lessons are learnt through experience. All the while, ensure your tone remains non confrontational.

The worst thing you could do is try to contact the individual who is responsible for the heartbreak. You want to steer clear of that path, including getting in touch with the parents. Inculcate a sense of independence in your child. If you confront the other party, you may end up aggravating the situation.

The healing period varies based on how emotionally strong a child is. Sadly, extensive grieving usually causes depression. You do not want to get to this point. If the individual develops mood swings and isolates himself, he may be depressed. In this case, have a professional counselor talk to him.

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