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Friday, May 25, 2018

Ways Of Communicating With Your Husband Hard Of Hearing

By Nancy Walker

At the time, misfortune befalls us and we are unable to overcome it. For example, we may get involved in an accident that badly injures us and we are unable to go back to our former selves. We may lose the ability to walk or even see or hear. After such an occurrence, we need to learn a whole new way of life. Below are some of the pointers on how to speak to your husband hard of hearing.

When a speaking to a person with difficulty in hearing, it is important to be considerate of this fact. Therefore, before you begin to speak, make a point of catching the persons attention. With normal people, you could just begin to talk but with them, concentration is paramount on their part. To avoid them not following the conversation, it is important to inform them before you talk.

It is obvious that you cannot see in the dark. The same way, a person can sometimes not hear what you might be saying even if their listening aid is on. To make it easier for them, make sure you are always facing them when you speak so that they are able to read your lips. The hearing aid only makes the sound louder for them to hear not clearer.

Enunciate as much as you can and maintain a steady pace of talking. Enunciating makes it clearer to hear whatever is being said. The steady pace of speech gives the person a chance to read your lips and understand you. If you speak too fast they may not at all understand what you are saying while speaking too slow makes lip reading harder.

Pick your venue carefully. When you go to a noisy place, communication will be impossible. At home, make sure the music is off and things such as the Ac unit or fan are not loud. Otherwise, their concentration will be disrupted. The reaching out aid will actually make it worse by amplifying the noise. You should choose quite well-lit places.

When spending time with a group of people, do not make the person with the hearing problem feel excluded. You should be in a place that is well lit and put yourself in strategic positions where the person can be able to see each of you and read your lips. If the conversation involves them, take turns in speaking to avoid them getting confused.

At times, you may be needed to repeat saying something a few times before they get it. Sometimes the words you use may prove difficult for them to understand and it is at that point that you will need to rephrase your sentence. If all of that still does not work, try spelling out the first few letters of the difficult word.

You want this person to feel comfortable around you. This can be done by maintaining a sense of humor. If you get what the other person is saying wrong, lighten up the mood and make as much fun of it as you can.

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