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Friday, June 15, 2018

Installing A Shopify Promotion App Helps With Marketing

By Henry Snyder

More and more people are finding they can make some nice change by selling things online. While getting set up is relatively easy, there are some things that a seller must look at when choosing an eCommerce merchant to work with. A lot of the sites that are free or cost little to join usually have marketing applications as a separate option or do not offer this at all. Online sites that offer features like the Shopify promotion app that assists with selling on social media, this can make a tremendous difference.

A marketing plan makes the difference between those who move a lot of units and those who do not. While a person may have a lovely or useful item, relying on word of mouth alone results in slow sales, at best. Being able to take advantage of marketing and promotional services can be advantageous for the novice seller.

The planning process may entail choosing the best photos or items that will appeal to a particular audience. Sometimes it is easier to create a story behind these images. A story may be something that is either meant to engage or solve a problem that particular audience is experiencing.

Once keywords have been gathered for the use of tagging text and images, these can also be used to gather prospects on social media. By entering each word into the site search engine, it is easy to find new customers by looking at their profile. The profiles of current customers can also be of help.

Choosing discount campaigns is not a task to be taken too lightly. Most sellers offer giveaways for a number of reasons, such as introducing a new product or as a way to welcome new customers. Other times, it may be to get rid of a product that has had slow sales in recent. Whatever the reason, there should be a purpose behind each campaign, even if it just to increase the customer list.

Checking out competitors can have its benefits, especially in the beginning stages of creating a marketing campaign. While copy should not be copied word for word, noting placements like the call to action. As the seller or maker becomes more comfortable with writing, they should experiment with different drafts and monitor which brings in the most returns.

Once the new seller has reached their comfort level in creating a marketable social media presence, they can use discount codes to new and old customers. These can be used to introduce a new product or as a reward to those who have made a number of purchases. Sometimes it is not enough to just have a new product added to a successful lineup.

Finding the right marketing funnel can be fun since advertising on social media and other sites is fairly inexpensive compared to placing print ads. However, it helps to look at analysis reports, take notes and make changes as necessary. Oftentimes, A/B testing can prove advantageous to those who have a limited budget and need to see results soon. Testing two ads for the same product can indicate the approach to take with future advertisements and communication.

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