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Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Top 4 SEO Metrics That Web Design Companies Track

By Arthur Williams

How do you know if your SEO strategy is working? The best way to do so is by tracking metrics, which are numerous, to say the least. Web design companies are able to keep track of these, but which ones should specifically be focused on? For those that would like to learn more, in order to improve their rankings in the future, here are the top 4 SEO metrics that should make it a point to track over the course of time.

Bounce Rate - For those that don't know, bounce rate refers to the number of people that visit a site and immediately leave. When this happens constantly, the bounce rate increases, which is a problem in the eyes of such companies as Lounge Lizard. This means that there is something wrong with the site, either from a navigational or overall performance standpoint. Fortunately, the top web design companies can correct this shortcoming.

Load Time - Generally speaking, a visitor will click away from a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. It's easy to see why, as the growth of digital media fostered a sense of immediacy. People expect sites to load quickly, which is the case for the ones that are developed well. Otherwise, performance can come to a crawl. This is yet another SEO metric that should be tracked over the course of time.

Traffic - Traffic plays a major role in SEO, too, as it speaks to the number of people that visit your site. Not only will you be able to bring more eyes to your business, but you can also see more leads and sales come in on a regular basis. If you gain ample traffic, especially as it increases over the course of time, chances are that your site is performing well. If not, it's in your best interest to look into the backend to see what can be done.

Keyword Rankings - Depending on who you ask, this may be the most important SEO metric of all. There's no denying the fact that companies want to show up on Google, specifically for keywords that relate to them and will generate the most searches. If your SEO strategy is sound, ultimately rankings will improve. Not only will you see more clicks, but you may take a sense of pride in seeing your business being prominent online.

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