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Friday, September 7, 2018

Search Results & The Most Important Details Shared By Online Marketing Companies

By Arthur Williams

Do you want to be found on Google? This is one of the many goals that an SEO specialist will be able to help you reach. Despite this, there are many details regarding search results that the average person doesn't know. What should people know about ranking on search engines so that they obtain the utmost business? Here are a few key points that online marketing companies will be able to discuss in detail.

One of the most important things to know about search engine results - and reputable authorities like will agree - is that few people go beyond the first page. While there are some users that will scroll past the first 10 results, the vast majority of people will click on the first links they see. What this means is that if you're not on the first page, it can be difficult to gain traffic. Any online marketing company will tell you the same.

Another thing to know about search engines is that local results tend to show up first. Needless to say, the visibility of these is dependent on where you live, meaning that you won't be served a link for a business that's miles away from you. If you live in New York and you search for diners, chances are that you'll be greeted with several links related to diners within driving distance. In simplest terms, local SEO matters.

To follow up, make sure that your business can be found on Google Maps. The reason for this is that when someone searches for a particular business, local or otherwise, it's normal for a Maps entry to pop up as well. This will provide directional information to those that may be interested in doing business in the future. If your company isn't optimized from a Maps perspective, your SEO strategy won't yield the results you're looking for.

Lastly, while it's good to be the number one result for any search term, it isn't always necessary. As a matter of fact, companies that pop up as number two or three on Google will benefit from strong traffic. Additionally, given the competition associated with SEO, it can be next to impossible to be number one, especially if recognizable brands rule the roost. Don't be afraid to settle for second or third place, as they are nothing short of respectable.

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