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Monday, March 18, 2019

3 Ways To Address Website Criticisms For Long Island SEO Success

By Arthur Williams

Not all websites are made the same, as anyone that specializes in Long Island SEO will attest. Some don't have substantial content that keeps visitors coming back, while others lack responsiveness that would help them perform on different devices. To get your site ranking, not to mention performing well, it's important to address criticisms that users may have. Here are 3 of the criticisms in question and how they should be addressed.

"Your site performs slowly." This is one of the most common complaints that a user may have, not only in regard to SEO but the user experience. If a site is performing at a slow pace, there are a few potential reasons for this. According to companies like fishbat, it could be a matter of content. Instead of focusing on images and videos, rely more on text, as the latter is less intensive. There are other possible reasons, but this is a good place to begin.

"I can't find the information I need." Navigation is another common website complaint that should be addressed. Some of the best websites have few pages, which is ideal in the sense that it minimizes the amount of time a user will take moving from one section to the next. The less a user needs to navigate, the easier it will be for them to find the information that they need. In other words, streamline this process as much as you can.

"The website appears cramped or difficult to read on my phone." This can be attributed to a lack of responsiveness, which allows websites to adjust based on the devices they're being accessed through. For example, if you visit a site on your smartphone, you will still be able to access information through the smaller screen. The more responsive a site is, across a number of devices, the better it will perform, even beyond SEO.

As you can see, there are quite a few criticisms that a user would have regarding a website that they visit. They should expect a smooth experience, whether the goal is to find information, make a purchase, or sign up for a newsletter. Web design plays a pivotal role in the business world, especially as more and more people rely on their smartphones for day-to-day life. Don't overlook these criticisms; they could make all the difference for your site.

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